Singing Guide: Forest Blakk

Singing Guide: Forest Blakk

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The Canadian singer-songwriter Forest Blakk has a unique style of singing that blends soulful and emotive vocals with poetic lyrics. He's known for his powerful and raspy voice that stands out even in the busiest pop arrangements. In this article, we will explore Forest Blakk's singing style and offer some tips on how to learn to sing like him.

Understanding your voice

  1. Discover your vocal range with Singing Carrots' Vocal Range Test.
  2. Find out your vocal type and how to use your breathing efficiently through the Breathing Basics article.
  3. Get to know the voice registers, vocal break, and how to maintain excellent breath support through the Voice Registers & Vocal Break article.
  4. Open your mouth and throat widely to release unnecessary tension (see Open Mouth & Throat article).
  5. Learn how to analyze your performance with the How to Analyze Your Voice article.

Techniques to sing like Forest Blakk

To sing like Forest Blakk, you need to focus on three primary aspects.

  1. Emotive singing - Forest Blakk is famous for his emotive singing style, effortlessly conveying complex emotions with his voice. He's not afraid to add a healthy dose of raspiness or growl to his sound, making his voice evocative and captivating.
  2. Vocal Techniques - Forest Blakk's vocal technique is characterized by excellent breath support and control, allowing him to maintain smooth transitions between the different voice registers and hitting notes with ease. His strong vibrato is a significant feature of his sound, adding to the emotional impact of his performances.
  3. Song Interpretation - Forest Blakk's songwriting skills are among the best, with his lyrics often touching on love, loss, hope, and human connection. He has a unique way of crafting stories and conveying them through his music, making every performance personal and intimate.

Practice exercises

  1. Start by listening to and analyzing Forest Blakk's music. Focus on his emotional delivery, vocal techniques, and song interpretation.
  2. Warm-up your voice using Singing Carrots' Farinelli Breathing to improve your breathing control and voice flexibility.
  3. Develop your vibrato by practicing the Diaphragm Bounce and Beggars Bounce.
  4. Work on articulation and chest voice using the Finger Bite and Singing Comfort Zone.
  5. Master your voice control and pitch accuracy using Singing Carrots' Pitch Training modules.
  6. Learn Forest Blakk's songs and practice his style, focusing on your interpretation of the lyrics and delivery of emotions.

Final thoughts

In summary, to learn how to sing like Forest Blakk, you need to work on your emotional delivery, vocal techniques, and song interpretation. Remember to use your voice correctly by maintaining excellent breath support and control and always practice your songs keeping in mind the emotive nature of Blakk's music.

Singing Carrots has a plethora of articles, exercises, and tools to help you learn how to sing like Forest Blakk. Explore our Vocal Pitch Monitor, 21-lesson singing course, and our song search features (see resources) to find more helpful tools and resources.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.